December 2022.

In my 36th year, I intentionally went searching forpleasure. I barely scratched the surface of my desires before I was flooded with past grief, wants unmet, pains unprocessed, rage unheard. It poured out of me for months. I spent half the year bathing in it, mourning, agitated, activated, up against my own edges. I felt like I was losing my mind.

What could I do but draw? I drew what I couldn’t put words to. I drew to call beauty into my life. I drew to see myself more truthfully. I let my inner child do what she wanted to do. I used big crayons and paint sticks and let the PRIMARY colours carry all the EMOTIONS.

In the process, my rage burned off and below it, I found joy and hope and a self-awareness I had yet to feel in this lifetime.

For my birthday, I want to celebrate this body of work that helped me access parts of myself I hadn’t yet seen; a body of work that allowed me to usher in a new chapter of trust and curiousity in the face of the unknown.


MAY 2022 - DECEMBER 2022

Exhibited at Venosa Interiors
January 13-15 2023

The pieces shown here reflect a small portion of the collection. For a more complete look, visit Instagram.